More than 320,000 people have no home in the U.K.
Some 40,000 of these are single mothers.
"My kind request, please understand Homeless people are not animals."

Change Please
More and more people are being forced out onto the streets because of profound injustice and broken systems.
This could be easily addressed
if we acted together.
Homelessness is the symptom of a broken system and an uncaring society.
Compassion is key to evolution.
Since the homeless can't build shelters because of property and land laws, it is up to those with homes and resources to
solve this ridiculous problem.
"The day I was really hungry I got on my knees in the middle of the town centre and I cried out to God. I said please God, I am so hungry I’ve got three days now without food. Then I stood up, and I walked around the corner, looked on the floor and there was five pounds."
“Sometimes you can go a couple of days, sometimes you can go a week. I think the longest I’ve ever been is about a week an a half.”
The oldest was 94 years old.
An Exhibition for Change
Presenting an extensive work studying homelessness over the course of 4 years, this exhibition aims to change how the world perceives and treats some of the most
amazing yet vulnerable people on Earth.
By explaining how and why extreme poverty still exists in the "developed world", and presenting solutions to this gross injustice, we hope to create lasting
change for humanity.
All profits from this exhibition support the work to create real, lasting solutions and profound social change.

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"Powerful artwork". -

"It's the best picture of me I've ever seen"
"You know every winter times how many innocent
homeless people die? Please help them.
That’s my kind request”.
- Brother Sanga,
Sanga was an amazing and beautiful human who came to the U.K. seeking asylum after being tortured in Sri Lanka's civil war. He was refused the right to work and forced out onto the streets of London, where he painted colourful art in Trafalgar Square to try and make other people happy.
Sanga remained homeless in London for 9 years and died months after filming this message.
I was not in the country at the time and returned to find my friend dying in the hospital.
Why does this happen? Why do we leave people to suffer on the streets?
Some people say that is just the way the world is;
I say this is just the world we were born into,
We can change it.
We are meant to change it.
Let's change it.

These wonderful people deserve compassion.
"You’re in a situation you can’t control, with problems you
can’t solve, so you do what you can to survive."
"You’ve gotta wait for a certain time, to find a place that’s dry, and have to fight for it."
Change it
The system of today causes profound inequality which ultimately leads to poverty, dependance and homelessness.
By concentrating resources into the hands of a few people, it actively forces others to depend upon state & corporate systems.
Misdirection through the media makes the majority ignorant of the truth, passively living in acceptance of gross injustice while thinking that this is normal.
The unjust systems of the modern era create much unnecessary pain and suffering with purposeless struggles.
This is not normal now and has not been normal for most of human history. The world
as it stands is very much broken.
There is absolutely no reason people should be left without shelter when we have abundant resources and the ability to facilitate this basic right to shelter.
It is time we acted to change this.

In cities across the U.K., many thousands of people are currently sleeping on the streets, in dirty alleyways, in public parks, and in cold, wet places.
Homelessness is our collective responsibility, and servants of love should face it together.
The number of human beings forced to sleep on the streets has doubled in less than a decade.

They Need Us to Care More
Of all those people left out on the streets,
So many are kind hearted and needlessly suffering.
These wonderful people have so much to give.
Having lived beside them I can speak from experience.
Over the years I have seen how the world system breaks their spirit.
I have been forced to watch so many suffer and even die on the streets.
Why do we pass by doing nothing?
Why do we allow this?
The system will not change for the good of the people until good people stand up to make good changes for each other and themselves.

Much of this world was built upon poverty and economic slavery. Emperors and kings, control structures and hierarchies; The continual concentration of resources by selfish entities has now created a world in which a few corporations can overpower
most nations.
Several centuries of enslavement,
oppression, subjugation, indoctrination,
class/caste structures, and wars have caused unbelievable distortions of both resources and power.
The world of today is built on massive past injustices.
By working together great solutions become possible.

We can crowdfund resources and give humanity a home.
Those who are loving know we are meant to overcome this.
By working together a great future become possible.
We can also give those without work good employment.
Enabling the homeless to help themselves,
Removing the suffering of poverty,
Can improve life for all people on Earth.
"I don't want to beg for money, I only do it if I have to do it".
The simple truth is that people on the streets can't solve this themselves. If they could, they would not be there. They need our support to stand up.
Without basic shelter what can a man realistically achieve in modern society? If we do not change our attitude towards the so-called "homeless" of this world, then we had better create infrastructure to support them. Otherwise, they live unbelievably difficult lives which for many become unbearable.
People are suffering, completely needlessly.
This is wrong and we can change it.
So let's change it.

We urgently need to provide free food and living spaces to people without financial resources or income. The few existing facilities are not enough. We need to build at a standard that breathes life and hope into people, not somewhere they feel like animals. Building a place that is beautiful, making them feel cared for and worthwhile, will take some effort.
The streets take away human dignity and self-worth.
With our shared spaces we plan to give that dignity back.
When we show others this kindness and respect they are encouraged to care more for themselves.
"How can I stay out of trouble if I've got nowhere to go?"
"If I had a place I’d like to think I could sort myself out, but without money or opportunity or a chance, how can I? That’s seen as an excuse, but it isn't. It’s the way it is."
Today there are almost no open, safe, free places of shelter while corporations own much of the land and are buying more of it.
Why continue to accept a world where there are no free spaces for human beings?
We need to create spaces just to be human and to rest.
Places to come together as friends and create new communities.
We don't have to keep supporting a divisive system and world.
We can just let it fall away instead while building something better.
We can work together for the good of all life and each other.
We can stop competing and collaborate instead.
"Even when you're strong you're gonna be weak quickly.
The cold is so strong".

When we work together so
much good is possible.
Only loving people care, so it is up to the loving to create true change.
While individuals can do a lot,
We can do so much more together.
As more and more people find themselves unable to secure affordable housing in cities and too few new houses are being built to meet demand, we can develop affordable, sustainable communal living spaces that both tackle this crisis and provide a sanctuary of healing, thus raising the bar for social care.
An Engine for Good
We need an engine for real change and this is a good start.
Facilities, equipment, caring community, and funding, all in one place.
Our Cafe' will use all of its profits to provide food and shelter for those most in need while supporting those who are working to improve life for humanity by providing funding and facilities for their efforts.
The Cafe's profits will provide a public fund to support and launch social projects.
Creating Better
Using Creative Studio Cafes' that direct ALL profits to creating a better world, we plan to restore the power of people to shape their own futures. Our locations will provide the facilities and
funding for caring communities to join us in creating a much better world.

The world is in desperate need of creative solutions to social and environmental issues. We must enable change creators to address this urgent need.
That is what these shared spaces are all about.

Co-Living communities
Designing for Change
Carefully designed by a passionate team to help recover the sense of self-worth and true value, we have spent years conceiving a beautiful and affordable shared living solution to tackle this intolerable crisis.
To create true change at real scale we need a stable source of income that funds the development and operation of these spaces worldwide. We also need to provide a way back for guests to rejoin the wider community and find fulfilling work. This is where the Creative Studio Cafe's step in.

A place to serve Love
We need to build safe, quality, peaceful spaces for people without a space of their own. This is a fundamental necessity for wellbeing and a basic human right. Without addressing this how can we face deeper issues or transform an already challenging world?

Accelerating Good Works
While many people have great ideas that can help better our world they do not often have access to the funding or facilities needed to manifest them physically. Serving the poor and protecting the environment does not make money,
so our studio cafe's will generate income
for these good works.

The Studio Cafe'
Serving nutritious food from a beautiful live arts venue while surrounded by inspiring and educational exhibitions, the Studio Cafe's will provide employment and support to let our friends recover from the trauma of the streets.
Bringing local communities together for social change where our profits support the development and management of our communal living spaces, we envision an ecosystem of self sustaining cafe's to fund communal living spaces and good works.
These studio Cafe's will be unlike anything ever seen before. Out facilities will include:
Meeting Rooms & Conference Facilities
Media Labs & Creative Equipment
Live Performance & Events Space
Music Session Rooms & Studio
Creative Art Studio & Exhibition Spaces
Meditation, BJJ and Physical Therapy Spaces
& a Cafe', Juice Bar & Kitchen
Sustainable Goodness
The Studio Cafe's will provide a community fund, equipment and facilities to support social and environmental projects which accelerate change in our world for good.
Redirecting Resources
Last year the people of the U.K spent over £9.7 Billion on coffee, £16 Billion on alcohol and £49 Billion in restaurants and cafe's.
We aim to use that market to direct as much of that money as possible toward social and environmental good, through a network of Creative Cafe's all across the country and world.
Creating Change
By allowing people to use our facilities for good and providing the funding to support their positive projects, a cup of coffee, a warm meal or a session booking in our studios will all directly fund real, scalable solutions to local and global issues.

Serving Love
It is not for us as a society to overcome every individual's issues, but it is for us to solve this one.
Homelessness is our collective responsibility. We who serve love must face this together.
Why is this our shared responsibility? Because without modern systems there would be free open spaces and thriving tribal cultures.
Any good tribe looks after its own. If we enable these systems which give the corporations control over land then
we're responsible for facing the injustice and poverty they create.
Our Shared Future
The Cafe's profits will provide a public fund to support and launch social projects.
This enables the community to enact local and global change from the ground up by providing the facilities and funding needed to bring good community projects to life.
We believe in a not-for-profit world; A sustainable and shared world where people work on what they love and for a purpose that they believe in. A world where all new development is
completely sustainable - because everything else is unsustainable.
If you believe in this world too, please join and support us in its creation.